Art Direction Tech Art UI/UX & Shaders as a part of Google

A selection of my work as Art Director on Tilt Brush from 2016-2019. I owned the project’s look, developed features, created new brushes, and developed our UI design system. I also collaborated with our Artists in Residence on gallery exhibitions, music videos and experiences.

Tilt Brush is available on Oculus, Steam VR, Windows MR & Playstation VR.

Key Art

Art made in Tilt Brush showing off new features included in each update. I was the first artist testing and refining features I was often designing with my teammates. Creating these pieces were a critical part of proving our tools were intuitive & useful!


Art directed and developed using HLSL, Photoshop and analog media, implemented in Unity. I created these brushes by reverse engineering our existing brush technology in order to build upon it.

Visual Design & VR UX

I refined Tilt Brush’s interface into a fleshed out design system complete with a style guide and custom pipeline to allow less technical folks to contribute to the project.

Over the years I contributed to designing, implementing and shipping more than 15 features over many releases. A few features I owned from end-to-end including design, art, and engineering.

Branding & Marketing Art

Store and marketing assets used across all platforms.

*Art by myself, Drew Skillman & Peter Chan.

I also collaborated with many artists using Tilt Brush for immersive stories, music videos, physical art objects and more through our Artist in Residence program. In 2018, I was humbled to run a workshop for Cartoon Network introducing folks to the tool and give two presentations at GDC.

We open sourced Tilt Brush in 2021. Check out the repo here on Github!